Compliance Servicing

Ensuring Medical Equipment Safety: Annual Preventative Maintenance for Healthcare Compliance

Equipment Inspection

Our service technicians are experts in conducting thorough inspections to ensure that all equipment meets safety and performance standards.


With specialized expertise, we repair a broad spectrum of hospital and mobility equipment to maintain optimal functionality.


We conduct rigorous testing to confirm the reliability and effective operation of medical equipment, guaranteeing it meets strict quality controls.


Our approach includes preventative maintenance to safeguard the longevity and reliability of equipment, reducing the likelihood of unforeseen malfunctions.

Buildings, plant & equipment shall be fit for purpose and comply with legislation relevant to the health & disability service being provided.

NZS 8134:2021 – section 4.1.1

Mobility Services Ltd is equipped to design a customized preventative maintenance program to help you achieve compliance.

Electrical hospital and rest home beds
Hoists including mobile, standing and raising hoists, stationary hoists and slings
All types of patient-lifting, pressure redistribution mattress and seating systems, scales, tilt and motorised tables, lift-out chairs and recliners
Wheelchairs – self propelled & transit, walkers & commodes

Electrical test & tag to NZS3760 and NZS3155

Mobility Services will provide the necessary certification of the completed testing for your records and compliance.

As a contracted service provider to yourselves, we would provide you with our category high-priority service provisioning.

In addition, we are contracted service agents for the Ministry of Health and ACC and can provide servicing for all patient and resident’s mobility equipment.

Please give us a call/email and arrange a meeting to discuss this further.